Power of Podcasts: Persepctive from the Inside

"Power of Podcasts, the only podcast advertising event in the Middle East, presents 'Perspective from the inside'. A podcast that recaps key insights and ideas discussed at the Power of Podcasts 2024 event.
Host Lara Varlamova sits with speakers from the event, from the world of advertising, leadership, and creators, to get their perspective on the power of podcast advertising and how they see the media playing an impactful role in marketing plans.
Power of Podcasts is an annual event by Next Broadcast Media, the home of the largest podcast and digital audio advertising network outside of the United States - boosting 20 billion monthly impressions and 3.7 billion engaged listeners (and growing!). We are a specialised audio advertising partner able to connect advertisers with their most valuable listeners.

Visit nextbroadcast.media to learn more

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@next-broadcast-media/podcasts
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/next-broadcast-media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nextbroadcastmedia/ "